Celebrating 50 Years of Showing Student and Youth Groups the World | (800) 323-6439


There’s no other place in the world like " The Big Apple" and it is one of the most requested destinations for U.S. travel. With its diverse, exciting and intriguing sights, sounds and attractions, it's no wonder students love to take educational field trips to New York City. Hemisphere offers a variety of New York City tours, customized for your students’ unique needs. We have been involved in custom education travel services since 1970 and know that there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to NYC student tours. There are so many different types of attractions, whether you're interested in visiting places of religious significance, spending time in some of the country's finest cultural centers, viewing architectural feats or experiencing some of everything! When you call us to begin planning, we'll go over all the details including your goals and all of your options. Review the extensive list on this page for an idea of what we offer on our New York student trips. Contact Hemisphere today for your customized educational tour proposal to New York City!


