Celebrating 50 Years of Showing Student and Youth Groups the World | (800) 323-6439

Glimpse behind the scenes

Welcome to our world of Tour Operations!

While many of you are familiar with our many wonderful Account Executives, you may not be as familiar with our Operations department. Here in Operations, we work with the Account Executives to execute and deliver a fantastic tour for all of our schools and groups. We mainly work behind the scenes and put together tour paperwork, process payments, organize flight confirmations and assist with reservations.

Do you love receiving your final tour box every year? We work hard to ensure that lanyards, luggage tags, meal money, vouchers, etc. are all counted properly and include all of the copies and tour details you need to ensure a successful tour for your group. We take great pride in our organization and hope that your final tour box is just as exciting to receive as it is for us to put together.