The beginning of every school year can certainly be hectic, but that doesn’t mean you should strike it from your calendar when trip planning. Besides it being a truly scenic time of year to travel, check out the reasons why it may make sense for your class to embark on an education-packed adventure in the fall.
Why wait until near the end of the school year to get your students feeling inspired to learn? Taking them on a fall trip will get them excited about the curriculum to come for the rest of the year. More time exploring historic monuments and museums early on in the school year means more time in the classroom with a deeper understanding of how we’re all connected to the world around us.
Because fall isn’t peak student travel time, it’s more likely that all the must-see attractions you’ve got on your itinerary wish list will have ample availability for your students to get the most out of their trip. Besides attractions, a wider variety of hotels and transportation options are more likely to be available. Take advantage of this!
In addition to more open availability, the fall also offers a chance for saving funds in multiple ways. It may be a slower time of year for some attractions, so deals on tickets and experiences are aplenty. Though students may need to fundraise earlier than they normally would for a fall trip, spring and summer opens up opportunities to garner funds that may not be as accessible or available during the school year. It’s also a chance to get the attention of potential donors who may normally be getting multiple requests for donations later in the year.
Let Hemisphere start planning your fall adventure today!
Written by Hemisphere Educational Travel