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What destinations come to your mind when you think of student trips? While you may think New York City, Chicago or Los Angeles, have you considered these cities, emerging as top United States student travel destinations?
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To make the dream of travel a reality, you need to have a plan and structure for fundraising, notes Carrie A. Olson, Ph.D., researcher and teacher from West Leadership Academy of Denver Public Schools.
Dr. Olson has traveled with more than 800 students from low-income neighborhoods. In the Teach & Travel edWebinar How We Helped Students Participate in Educational Travel: Proven Tools and Tips, she talks about the structure she used to successfully raise the money needed for educational travel.
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Students visiting Washington, D.C., have a unique opportunity to be immersed in history, government, innovation, arts and culture—and to experience some of the most important buildings, monuments and national treasures in the United States.
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Financial resources are often cited as the greatest barrier for students who want to participate in educational travel. That’s why student travel and fundraising go hand-in-hand. A successful fundraising campaign is an opportunity to tip the scales in the favor of those who would otherwise be unable to afford such an experience.